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The official website of the State of Mississippi

UROLA APPLICANTS: Review the scope of practice afforded to you by your current license to ensure you are applying for the appropriate license in Mississippi. Applications for licensure beyond your current scope may be denied.

What is LARS and How is it Different?

Licensing and Reporting System (LARS)
LARS is an application created by ITS that enables government agencies to provide digital licensing, permitting, inspection, and enforcement services to improve the speed and efficiency of delivery versus traditional licensing processes. 

Listed below are differences that you can expect with LARS:

1. If you are a current licensee, you can pay ANY fee in LARS and never mail anything in to us. All documents can be emailed.  

2. ALL licensees will be able to enter continuing education all throughout the year. LARS will store the information you add. Two months prior to your expiration date, you will be able to submit your renewal. 

3. You will be able to print your own certificate and card, and access it at any time. The Board staff will no longer mail these items. 

4. If you have an email address in the system, you will receive an automatic notice prior to renewing. You will not receive a notice by mail. If we do not have an email address in the system for you, you will receive a renewal notice by mail. We will no longer mail the renewal form and continuing education report.

5. When you upgrade from one level to the next, you will be issued a new license number in LARS. You will still have to submit CE hours if you are upgrading. 

6.  LARS will allow you to renew 30 days past your renewal deadline, but you will be assessed an additional late fee. 

In a nutshell, LARS is a secure, web-based, paperless platform that will allow our agency to efficiently process new licenses and renewals expediently. It is backed and supported by trees everywhere.